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Welcome. 👏 I’m excited to have you in the community.

일주에 한번 정도 유익한 영어 표현, 학습법 또는 동영상 강의를 이메일로 보내드립니다.

Josh 한테 질문, 또는 피드백이 있으시면 이메일로 연락 주세요! 💌 많은 이메일을 받고 있기 때문에 답장이 짧거나 늦어질 수도 있으니 그 부분 양해 부탁드려요~ 보내 주신 이메일은 다 읽어요.


🎁 영어 학습 자료 선물 👇

구독해 주신 여러분에게 선물을 드려요. 수강생들한테만 드렸던, 제가 정성을 담아서 만든 오리지널 영어 학습 자료를 무료로 드립니다! 🤗 잘 활용해 주시고 더욱 영어가 잘 되시길 바라요~! 💪

네이티브처럼 영어하는 요소

‘영어 무엇으로부터 공부하지?’ 초중급자 여러분은 이 강의 영상을 보세요! 영어의 어떤 영역으로부터 공부하면 좋을지 알려 드려요.


Mini 비즈니스 영어 강좌

고급스럽고 지적인 영어를 하고 싶으신 중상급자 여러분에게 미니 영어 비즈니스 강좌를 추천합니다. 더 세련된 영어 문장으로 말해 보세요.


알아 두면 좋은 영어 표현

민망한 상황에서 바로 쓸 수 있는 영어 표현! 영어 중상급자한테 유익한 정보를 알려 드려요.


발음 마스터 클래스

영어 발음, 억양과 인토네이션을 바꾸고 싶은 분을 위해 체계적으로 접근하는 방법을 알려 드립니다. 초급, 중급, 상급자 모두에게 추천!


영어 롤모델 찾기

영어 롤모델을 삼으면 영어 스피킹에 도움이 됩니다. 이 강좌에서는 여러 영어 원어민을 비교하면서 여러분이 닮고 싶은 원어민의 말투를 살펴 봅니다.


수강생 후기

SplashEnglish 에서 진행하는 프로그램을 통해 성과를 얻어 낸 수강행들의 솔직한 후기를 듣고 코치들의 모습을 살펴 보세요!


일상 한국어 표현을 영어로

‘수고하셨습니다’, ‘잘 부탁드립니다’ 등 일상에서 한국어로 잘 쓰는 표현을 영어로 어떻게 할지 정리한 e-book을 선물드립니다! 초급자 대상.


‘Take’ 콜로케이션

콜로케이션 (collocation), 즉 흔히 같이 사용되는 단어들의 덩어리 리스트를 드립니다. 초급자 대상.


비즈니스 영어 표현 리스트

비즈니스에서는 같은 말도 다르게 표현하는 방법이 있습니다. 비즈니스 영어 표현 리스트를 드립니다. 초급자 대상.


👋 Say, “Hello”?

⬇️ 댓글에서 간단한 인사 부탁드려요! ^_^

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  1. 영어공부 다시 열심히 해보고싶어서 신청했어요.

  2. 적절하고 유익한 표현들을 배울수 있어서 너무 좋습니다!!

  3. 정말 레벨업된 영어를 만난 듯 합니다. 구독하여 영어를 즐겨보겠습니다. 감사합니다.

  4. 영어공부 해보고 싶은 생각에 신청했습니다.
    많이 구독 애독 하겠습니다.

  5. 안녕하세요.
    50대에 영어 비지니스 로 사용하고 있습니다.
    많이 구독 애독 하겠습니다.
    잘 부탁드립니다

  6. Hello. Splash.
    Really glad to see you on your Youtube again today.
    I’ve watched your videos a couple years ago when I was happy.
    Recently I’m getting interested in learning English again, so I met you again out of the blue.
    Anyway I really would appreciated you give me great opportunity to learn English.

    Best Regards
    Steve Ahn

  7. I want to learn english very well about speaking and hearing. good to see you^_^

  8. There are so many useful expressions I can take with me. thanks!

  9. 문득 영어공부 해보고 싶은 생각이 들어서 신청했습니다. 감사합니다.

  10. I become to know you on YouTube. and I watched your video when i go to the office everyday. it’s really nice and helful to me. thank you so much

    • Thank you for the comment! Happy to hear that you find my videos helpful. By the way, “I become to know […]” → “I have come to know […]” or more casually, “I got to know […]”

  11. OMG! I was just so surprised at your video with the title of I’m quitting Splash English..Because you haven’t that much post new video.. so I just thought ah…that’s why I didn’t get an alarm from Youtube. You’re one of my most favorite Youtuber. Thank you for staying with us. I am swinging by your this website frequently! Have a great day!

  12. Hello I’m jayes.
    Nice to meet you. I look forward to studying English with pleasure.

  13. Hi, Nice to meet you .
    I am Hee Doo. I hope meet you soon.

  14. I just came across your YouTube channel. I’ve found it very helpful and interesting. Thank you for making quality videos for learning English. I’m just looking forward to your more videos. Take care!

  15. Hello, Josh. This is Jay Kim from Seoul. I want to say thank you so much for mails, videos, and tips in learning English. I work for a palace in Seoul. I could have more chances to have conversations with global visitors thanks to your teaching! Have a nice one and be careful not to catch a cold!

  16. Hello Josh.
    I’ve found your short, simple but very clear lecture while I was googling for a certain vocabulary! I think it’s really helpful! Thanks a ton!

  17. Nice to meet you. I met your video in youtube incidentally. and It was very lucky. I want to improve my english speaking and listening. so I would like to get in touch with you so far. thank you.

  18. Hello! How are you today? I am really thank you for you are coming. I saw you in youtube. That is very very helpful to me. And i want to learn english. Because my fiance is from uzbek. She can speak english. But i can not. I have to learn about a lot of enlish skills. So please can you help me? 수강료가 얼마인지도 알고싶어요

  19. Hi Josh. My name is Ahyoung. I saw you in Youtube and it is very helpful. You are good at three languages. Besides you explain well with fluent Korean. You are great and thank you very much.

  20. Hi, Josh. Thanks for your welcome.I saw your contents in Youtube. And it encouraged me to restart studying English.Thanks again.

  21. Hi I’m Ara. Now I’m voluteering in Peru as phisical therapist. After using Spanish, it’s different to speak English. So I decided to study English every day. I need your help !! Thank you.

  22. Hi! I got to know your Youtube channel few days ago while browsing Youtube. Found that the contents of videos are so useful and believe that they would help me to improve my English skill. I’m eager to learn new expressions and hope to become a half-native English speaker. I’m looking forward to your English tips!

  23. I’ve just found SplashEnglish and Josh after days of Youtube searching. I love the contents and the way Josh delivers them. I feel like I can learn not just English but also right way to communicate in English. I encountered so many awkward moments when I literally translated what I had in my Korean mind, which worked as negatives. Those experiences made me timid not to try to speak in English. Josh’s works will bring a life to my motivation to study English again. I count on you, Josh썜 Thank you so much, Josh!

  24. 안녕하세요 질문이 하나 있어요. 사람 직책앞에는 관사를 사용하지 않나요.
    They appointed him captain of the football team. 이 문장에서 captain 앞에 관사가 왜필요 없는지 궁금해요. 아시는분은 도와주세요.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Sometimes we omit “the” when something is a unique title, or treated like one. To name a few, “president,” “hostess of the party,” or “chief of Supreme Court.” Articles are a bit complex.

  25. I want to learn english~ I look forward to your kind cooperation, josh!

  26. Now I start to study speaking english in earnest. I really really appreciate for your efforts to help all the english learners including me. I’m very motivated because of you, josh! Im looking forward to study with splashengish. Thanks so much

  27. Thanks for all your efforts to inspire ppl, including me. It really helps a lot and all your contents are very motivational. Apprecite it!

  28. 안녕하세요 ^^ 유투브로만 보다가 이메일 신청 해봤습니다^^ 항상많은 도움이 되고있어요 감사합니다 ~!

  29. We like your web Splashenglish it’s fun and good to listen with your korean language voice and English.

  30. Good to see you here in this community. I saw you in youtube video clip and also in tv. I am with you on english learning. Thank you so much.

  31. Your lectures are really useful for me. Thesedays I get used to see your video at the biggining of the day. Thank you at all and hope to see more video on this page!!!

  32. 감사합니다. 유튜브 너무 도움이 많이 되고 있어요! 필기하면서 열심히 듣고 있어요. 앞으로도 잘 부탁드려요.^^

  33. Hello, Josh! good to see you here again! always watching your video on Youtube! Thanks a lot 🙂

  34. Nice to meet you. I saw your video clips at YouTube and I was sure your advice would help me know that I didn’t check before. And I joined your network and would really want to get more useful information and share other things with you. Have a nice week!

  35. 유튜브보고왔는데 혹시 추가영상은 어디서 보나요?

  36. Hello! This is Linda. Nice to meet you. I’m enjoy talking and writing. I really hope so let’s keep in touch. I’m excited to be here. Well, l look forward to hearing from you.

  37. wow… .Thank you so much ! i am really exciting and looking for your mail. in this oppertunity i wanna fixed to granmer and preposition ! it is so hard for me especially preposition t.t so one more thank you Josh !! : )

  38. Hi,, Josh nice to meet -U ^^ My name is JaeMin Whang I’m living in Virginia close to you..

  39. 우선 팟케스트에 강의 하시게 된거 정말 축하드립니다^^항상 유트브로 도움 많이 받고 있어요 너무 도움 많이 되고 항상 응원하겠습니다^^